Intro to wheel workshop-Adults - Sold out

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Does pottery on the wheel seem like a tactile experience that you've been wanting to try?! Here's your opportunity to get an introduction to the potter's wheel in a small class setting without the commitment of a course. This makes for a great gift or activity for you and a friend!

This workshop on Saturday April 27th from 1-3pm, is ideal for absolute beginners - with no experience necessary! You will be provided with individual instruction and all the required tools and materials. Participants will each have their own wheel to use for the duration of the session. 

You will learn how to knead and wedge your clay There will be an instructor demo after which you will spend time at your station, enjoying the therapeutic process of working on the wheel!

This 2 hour workshop is meant to be experiential and all the clay is recycled after the session. If you fall in love with a piece that you have made, it can be bisque fired and you will have to return to pick it up 3 weeks after the workshop. 

Come get your hands dirty!

*The studio is located in Pickering on Garland Crescent and the nearest main intersection is Rosebank and Strouds lane.